You have reached the website of Het Kleihuis. On this web site we explain about the basic Raku firing process and also present our Raku kilns and associated equipment.
Raku is a very active way of firing your ware. Quit different from computer controlled kiln that you can switch on and just come back after it has cooled of again after a day or even longer. With raku firing you are outdoors working with the kiln, checking the gas pressure and getting it to a 1000 °C within only 1 hour or so. Than you have to unload it with a pair of tongs and to start the reduction.
Because the whole firing procedure is done in such a short period of you need a kiln specially made for this. One of the major differences is the capacity of the kiln. In order to get it on temperature within only an hour you need much more heating capacity compared to an electric kiln. We manufacture affordable Raku kilns and are located in Apeldoorn – The Netherlands.
Enjoy your visit and should you have any further questions than please do not hesitate to contact us.
Martin Huis in ’t Veld
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